Go to the app store to install Product Reviews for Shopify.

Imported and exported product reviews are formatted into a CSV spreadsheet file. The table below describes the headers of the spreadsheet (the top row) and types of information that belong in each column:

Header name Product review information
product_handle This is the tail end of your product's URL. For example, if your product appears on your storefront at https://johns-apparel.com/products/blue-t-shirt, the product_handle is blue-t-shirt.
rating A score from 0-5, where 5 represents the most positive product review.
title A short, bolded title summarizing the customer's experience. For example, "Awesome!"
author The first and last name connected to the customer account that submitted the review.
email The customer's email address.
body A longer description of the customer's experience. They can elaborate on what they liked or did not like about your product.
created_at The date and time when the product review was created by the customer.

In this article

Import reviews

Before you begin, download a CSV file of your review data from the review service you'd like to migrate from. Most review services allow you to export your data to a CSV file.


The CSV importer should work automatically for popular review services like Yotpo, however, for other services you might need to format your CSV file to match the format of this example CSV file. Remove the example product from the CSV template, or you will see an error when you import the CSV file.

To import reviews into Product Reviews:

  1. Make sure you have a CSV file of the reviews you want to import and that it is formatted correctly.

  2. Go to the Product Reviews Settings page.

  3. Click Import in the top bar.

  4. Click Choose file and select your CSV file.

  5. Click Import.

Export reviews

To export your existing reviews from Product Reviews:

  1. Go to the Product Reviews Settings page.

  2. Click Export in the top right.

  3. A CSV spreadsheet file will download in your browser.